- [1]期刊论文,Ultrasensitive measurement of angular rotations via a Hermite-Gaussian pointer,Photonics Research,2022/12/01
- [2]期刊论文,Intelligent certification for quantum simulators via machine learning,npj Quantum Information,2022/11/01
- [3]期刊论文,Ultrasensitive measurement of angular rotations via a Hermite–Gaussian pointer,Photonics Research,2022/12/01
- [4]期刊论文,Surpassing the Nyquist Sampling Limit via Postmodulation,PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED,2022/09/01
- [5]期刊论文,Robustness of optic-fiber-based weak-value amplification against amplitude-type noise,APPLIED OPTICS,2022/08/01
- [6]会议论文,Robustness of optic-fiber-based weak value amplification against amplitude-type noise,arXiv,2022/08/01
- [7]期刊论文,High precision phase estimation with controllable sensitivity and dynamic range,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS,2021/11/01
- [8]期刊论文,Adaptive Time-Varying Parameter Estimation via Weak Measurement,PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED,2022/10/01
- [9]期刊论文,Ultra-small time-delay estimation via a weak measurement technique with post-selection,Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,2016/08/01,黄靖正
- [10]期刊论文,基于弱测量技术的Sagnac光路超短时间延迟测量研究,量子光学学报,2016/01/01